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Understanding Favorites

  • This page lists the programs you selected as Favorites scheduled to air within the next 48 hours.
  • The list is sorted with the program airing nearest to the current time first.
  • If the list contains more than 20 favorites, click the link at the bottom of the list to display them.
  • Controls allow you to filter the list, change its time span and maintain your favorite programs list.
  • A program is selected as a Favorite by clicking the white Add to Favorites star icon in its Details box.
  • De-select a program as a Favorite by clicking the yellow Remove from Favorites star icon in its Details box.
  • Programs selected as Favorites are displayed in the grid with a star in its cell.
  • Click on a program's cell in the list to view its Details box.
  • Click on a station's logo/call sign to view that channel's Daily View page.
  • Click on the TitanTV Listings link in the top left corner to return to the schedule grid.

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How to Add a Favorite

To add a new favorite, click on a program in the programming grid to bring up the details window and click the "Add to Favorites" icon.

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